Sunday, 7 April 2013

Visit To Da Beach!

Dis weekend me and mummy went to visit her mum and dad in Bournemouth.  If you not no dis place den I will tell you a bit about it.  Tis where my mum grew up and it have lots of beaches... dats about all in nos really.
Saturday morning me and mummy went to a beach called Branksome Chine.  Dey has a section for doggies to play on da beach during da winter and luckily dat no end til May.
Dis be me on da beach... ooooo sandy!
Dis way mum, der be more sand over der!
Ooooooooo it feels pawesome between my paws
And on me belly!
Dare I go close to da wet stuff?..
Da sand do last forever and ever...
Hurry up and take da photo mum, I got more beach to play on!
Da sand do be tickling my chin!
Wot a beautiful view...
And dat be my time at da beach.  I had a pawesome time but I do be suffering with da achy and da ouchy today... I finks me over-did it.



  1. Aww. Great pics. Love you Winston!!!

  2. Hi Winston,what a lovely life you have. All dat snow last week and all dat sand dis week.What has your lovely mum got planned for you next week we is wundering.

    1. I is on bed rest cos I over-did it at da beach so no adventures dis weekend I'm afraid... might be a boring blog next time! Is you on Twitter Bonnie? Is we following each other?
