Thursday, 1 November 2012

Halloween Party and Surprise Packages

Hello lovely pals!

We did have a Halloween party on Saturday and my pals Lexi and Charlie came over to play.  Mum and Dad did also invites their pals but dey not as interesting as my pals.

I made an effort and dressed up for da Halloween party.

I is a good wizard... honest!

Mum likes to keep herself entertained by carving a pumpkin.  Usually she grows her own but dey did die cos I peed on dem so she had to buy one.

Ooooooooo scary pumpkin... I should've peed on dis one too

Anyways, back to me.  Our doggy party went very well and we dids play lots and lots.  We stayed up til 3.30am den decided it was nap time.

Lexi has got me dumbbell... I wants it but so does Charlie!

So der we was napping aways when we does hear a noise... in da garden... so I goes to investigate and den "woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof" at da fox in da garden.

I is not sure wot happens next but den Mum is downstairs with us and she don't look best pleased.  Apparently it is 6.30am and I has woken everyone up.  Next Dad comes down and takes us for our morning walkies.

After a big 3 hour nap and a walk we is ready for more playing.  Me and Lexi have a play fight...

I is gonna gets you Lexi!
After more playing we decides to nap again.
Syncronised napping...

I must've played lots and lots cos I slept all afternoon and evening.

Daddy is a geat pillow... zzzzzzzzzz...

Da next day we comes home from work to a surprise package from Farm and Pets Place (@farmandpetsplace)

Wot's in da box I wonders...

I finks it's best to look before anyone else... just to be on da safe side.

Nearly... found... wots... in... here!

And den mum helps out by emptying da box and dis is wot I gets...

So all in all I had a fab few days with great pals and great noms!

1 comment:

  1. Great nappin my pal....i likes your trezzure pile too. I am a big fan of the Reward treats...i haz been nommin em this week and we like the "scruffy" treats fromMisFits but we never tried the sort you got dere...
