Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Scrappy's Fancy Dress Party!

Hey pals!

I had a very exciting time last Thursday.  My pal Scrappy Nelson (@scrappyn) hosted a fancy dress party on Twitter and da theme was Superheroes!

Last time Scrappy had a party, I ended up in my Dad's pants *shakes head at mum*

Wot has da crazy woman done to me?!?!

So dis time I was very relieved to have my Christmas present from my cousin Rod to wear

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super-Winston!
Now is time to meet our host... RoboScrappy
Just don't let me near da microwave!
Here be some of our Twitter pals in der fancy dress.  First up is Gimli (@gimlibt) as...
Da Gimli Lantern
Next up is Clapton (@claptonterrier)...

Super Clapton... he be fighting minor crimes quite slowly...
Dis next pal crawled through da desert to get to da party, tis Rohan of Arabia (@rohanthebt)...
Tis really a desert behind him...
Did you sees da film Seabiscuit?.. He did makes a special appearance specially for Scrappy's party... Tis Barney (@cornishbarney)

I is a thoroughbred you knows
Our next pal is Austin "Scruff" Powers (@maria7scruff)...

Yeah baby!!
We even had a superstar come to da party... please meet Mabel (@mabel_border)...

No photos please!
And straight out of Downton Abbey comes Sid (@sidclare)

Oh de humilashun!
We also had a visit from Pinky and Perky (@jackmolly3)

Flippin' photoshop!
And dis pretty lady is... wait wot you mean she no lady... tis my boy pal Blue (@bluetheborder)

Da fings we do for pals!
Lastly I has to show you da photo of Scrappy's first fancy dress attempt *giggles behind paw*

Da Mummy... or is he a nun?

Our Twitter parties can get a bit out of hand so luckily we had security to keeps us all in check and make sure Scrappy didn't overdose on wotsits...

Borris (@borristhedog) reporting for duty!
Our bestest pals Ted and Issac (@realjoannek) couldn't attend da party as dey was very very busy preparing der house for der new brother Bobo the cat... 

Scrappy even gave prizes for best costumes, da winner was Gimli Lantern and 2nd place was Seabiscuit Barney!  Well done to all my pals, it really was a fun night!


  1. Oh Winston! Dat soopa - dat did mak uz larf! Bwilliant blog pal - even do yoo did show da werld uz lookin like to fat likel pigs! Wel dun pal!

  2. Wooohahahah you haz a way wiv dem capshuns my pal....

    1. Fanks Lil M, I is glad you is reading dem and enjoying dem! Miss you #woof

  3. uHmmm BOL! dAt iS jUsT tOo fuNnEe pAL!!
