Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Dis weekend me and mummy had a lovely visitor called Aunty Fifi.  She is so much fun and I usually try to hump her leg but dis time I was on my bestest behaviour.

Me and my Aunty Fifi - she gives good foot!

Mummy and Aunty Fifi had a good few drinkies but mummy still got up early to take me for my walkies.  On da walkies we found dees teeny tiny paw prints...

Could it be a teeny tiny pocket dog??

Aunty Fifi had to go home so me and mummy wondered wot to do with our time.  Den we had a great idea!  Agility!!  We didn't have any equipment so mummy improvised with a broom and giant cushions...

I can fly!

After all the excitement I decided to do a bit of reading...

Oh hello, I is just doing some reading

I need to find out how to train mummy and daddy better, dey still don't let me sleeps on da bed!

Reading makes me hungry...

Just a little nibble...

Well dat is my week so far.  I is off on more mini-adventures soon so keep an eye out for my stories!

Thanks for reading pals!


  1. Thanks for blogging about me, I feel like Lady Gaga!! Loves you lots xx

  2. Great jumpin my pal....and very good reedin materials....you is quite da professor
